Saturday, April 16, 2011


ES2007S is finally over!

I suppose its always good to reflect after the completion of a module and consolidate everything one has learnt over the 13 or so weeks, and I've definitely learnt a significant amount this semester.

One of the more important things I've come to understand this past 4 months concerns the duality of communication; not only is the content of the message being transmitted is important, but so to the means and method at which it is being transmitted. Formally these are known as verbal and non-verbal communication, and in most formal settings I believe it is important to prepare adequately for both. In that sense I think this module is unique because it has made me more aware of what I am "not saying". I'm graduating in a few weeks and I think such skills would prove useful in the workplace, especially if they are used effectively to emphasize what I am "actually saying". 

The classroom experience was definitely different from what I'm used to. I quite like this kind of setting, where students are encourage to participate and offer input, whether within the physicals confines of the class or in cyberspace. Its quite unfortunate really that most engineering modules are not this flexible, though it is not to say that all engineering classes are not enjoyable.

Many unique characters in this class has made this entire experience quite the memorable one. It has been my pleasure knowing all of you and hopefully our paths will cross sometime in the future. 

This will be my final blog post.


  1. Hello Faizal! I do agree with you that this is memorable learning experience. :) Though I did not have much chances to work with you, I still enjoyed what you have shared with class. Thanks! :D

  2. Haha Faizal you're like super crazy and funny! It's been really great having you in my project group and you really added colour to this semester of mine! :)

    Nonverbals are quite dangerous sometimes yes, and even if we do watch what we say, we can't possibly help others interpret what we say. And even though we tried our best to send the right message, sometimes people still misunderstand us and I think that's really something beyond our control so clarifying is also an important skill that I've learnt in this module:)

    Thanks Faizal for mentioning such an important skill- to watch out for our Nonverbals! It's been great having you in class! :)

  3. Hola Faizal hermano,

    I do agree with you too that this was a memorable learning experience. I'm glad yours had a fairy ending, because mine didn't. Mine had many heart-stopping foreboding moments, which is kinda good actually, because life is all about ups and downs, or rather MODERATION, the philosophy that is so important to everything from professional communication, to common everyday activities like eating, sleeping, working.... In that way, you could say your learning experience wasn't as complete and perfect as mine, because you didn't suffer any conflict! Haha!

    Overall, I'm glad to have 'met' you, Faizal, because you certainly brought a humorous and fun dimension to your classmates in class as well as here in the blog space, something I'm not as good doing, but which I lately tried to do so with my final few posts. You also seem like a flexible and easy-going dude, and I'm sure you will find success in everything you do in the future ahead.

    Un amorito!
    Que tu con la felicidad en todos los trabajos haces, lo fue el placer a saber de tu!

  4. Hey Faizal,

    This class has certainly been very interesting, this really is one of the best modules here. Although I haven got to work with you, I can see that your really funny and nice, even from your presentations in class. It's been great knowing you.
    Thanks for the all the civil tips! :)
    Good luck with all your future endeavors.

  5. As the first Malay classmate I have had in a very long time, the first impression Faizal gave me was, “wow, a Native, I’ve heard so much about you”.

    Faizal has been quite the friendly, fun and open person this semester. His humour makes him quite the “people’s person”. It’s no wonder the stereotype of Malays is that they are jolly, if Faizal’s example is anything to go by. (Disclaimer: If the ISD asks, this is a compliment and is not intended to incite any racial sentiment.)

    It has been my good fortune to have been able to work with Faizal in preparing the peer teaching lesson on résumé-writing. The warmth in both his verbal and non-verbal communication contribute to his approachability and likability as a person. I wonder where he gets the Eastern European accent from though.

  6. Its been a real joy to work with you Faizal. And before I get emo, thanks for everything. Really appreciate the CHEMISTRY between us (that we can mutually understand most of each others' non-verbals). haha.

    Hope that this module has left you with pleasant memories of study rooms, Mr Beans, and weird teammates. haha.. Ok, good night Faizal. Hope I'll be able to work with you again one day in the future. Looking forward to that day.

  7. Yes Faizal, CE5107 is also super enjoyable right? Haha.

    We were also encouraged to speak up in HR2002. But somehow, I felt obliged to speak up in that module. In this one, it felt natural to speak up. It didn't feel like 'I-should-speak-up-because-there-is-class-participation-points'. In this aspect, I believe Brad has achieved his 'goal'.

    Thanks for taking this module with me!

  8. Hey Faizal,

    I really enjoyed getting to know you especially during the mock interviews session. You are a fun person to work with! Indeed, we must always be aware of the duality of communication. When we are communicating with someone, it is not just the words that matter.

    Well, I would like to wish you all the best for your future endeavors and hope that our paths will cross one day so that we can talk about the good old memories in ES2007S!


  9. Faizal!

    You really put it in an interesting way. I learnt the same lessons as you because I became more aware of all my unconscious actions as well. It's been really great knowing you and your whacky sense of humour!

    All the best in your career!

  10. The class would not be as lively without your jokes and funny but witty comments. Your humour is truly a league of its own. You own the zone man!

    I also enjoyed all the lunch with you and the other classmates. I still remember the home-made lunch and I can only watch with envy as you eat it. LOL!

  11. Hello Faizal! It's been great knowing you in class and thank you for lightening the mood of the class with your endless humour (both online and offline if you know what I mean haha!). Anyway, I wish you all the best in your career and keep in touch :)

  12. Thanks, Faizal, for the final reflection. As in so many of your other "messages," you get right down to essence of the thing, to your key learning, and to your impression that once you're out in the working world, this will serve you well. I'm sure it will.

    Of course, as your classmates mention, you've also got your wit to help you along---and that's something that can't be taught.

    All the best in the next stage of your journey!

  13. It has been great knowing and working with you in this module. It was inspiring to see your "chill"-ness throughout this semester despite you needing to handle both this module and your FYP. And with all your "chill"-ness, you could still contribute greatly to Coordonner Les. It seemed like there is nothing which is too difficult for you to handle (How true this really is, I don't know). I hope to reach your level one day.

    May these memories remain in your heart as you graduate from NUS and all the best in the future stages of your life!
